Thursday, September 30, 2010

Value Scale

Last week, we did value scales of people from our sister school in Ontario, Canada. The main point of this project is to not be afraid of the dark! I started out drawing the main shapes of the face with tracing paper, then added all of the other effects.


A couple of weeks ago we did a really cool art project with glowsticks. We turned off all the lights, listened to same killer Lady Gaga tunes and MADE ART. We put the camera on shutter speed for thirty seconds and then wrote my name, "Anna" with our glowsticks. By far it was my favorite project!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Animal hands!

Last week in Art we had to paint our hands in the shape of an animal. We fist drew contour and blind contour lines of our hands. After that, we drew a contour line of our hand in the shape of an animal. I colored in my animal, a wolf, with colored pencils to make it more realistic. The next day in class, we got to paint our hand in the shape of the animal!

Tape Mural!

This week in art class we composed a mural of masking tape in the courtyard. Our idea was a city at night in the middle of the courtyard. Our process started with making the curved road at the bottom.Then we each picked a buliding to tape and each finished that. At the end we all signed our names and included the phrase "Make Art". We helped each other along the way too!